Marc is a great guy, I love his podcast but i really don’t appreciate his stand up shows.

There is some deep truth inside but it doesn’t make me laugh. It made me think right. But i don’t laugh and it’s a comedy show. It’s not a lecture about life of a grumpy 50 year old.

Fascinating to see this dude and his human struggle, the man whom podcast I’ve been listenning for the last 6 years. I’d say in 2014 or 2015 I openned the stand up comedy pandora box with his comedians interviews on WTF and then I didn’t stop listenning and watching stand up comedy until I started it in London in 2018 at the Angel COmedy Club.
Even on the podcast, the intro i always pass when he is ranting about stuff… I’m like ok we get it Marc you have nevrosis and you are angry about stuff today but i’m here to listen to the interview with Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio… Great episode by the way when Marc struggles with his recorder and the audio seems to have problems in front of 2 of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood.

Well now I’ve seen End Times Fun and this special I liked.

So MArc became better at comedy I guess and I don’t only like his podcast, but let’s say I love Marc for What the F*** not the comedy.

Congrats on the amazing work man and wish you the best with life.

